Wednesday 21 March 2012

Have we got news for you.........

So a lots been happening over here and it's time to start blogging again. Yee haa!

We have been in San Francisco for over a year now and it's Spring and it seems the perfect time to start to bloom. Yes.........I am 14 weeks pregnant. Joakim and I are super excited and over the coming weeks/ months I've decided to keep a journal to share and for one day I hope that Borgnolds Junior can take a peek too.

Here's me at 13.5 weeks.

I am growing slowly, but oh so surely. Putting on a nice 5Lbs so far. Thankfully I haven't had any morning sickness, but do feel very tired by mid-afternoon/ early evening. I have no cravings or food fads, except my wish for milk. It's more because I'm aware that I need calcium perhaps rather than an impulsive desire. Other than that I am good.

At 12 weeks Joakim and I went together for the Ultrasound at the Prenatal Center. As well as the ultrasound we received the results back from genetic tests on lots of blood tests. At 39 I am technically in a higher bracket for genetic issues, but as my results were all negative with very low risk we have decided for now not to do any invasive testing. Let's see as there are more screening tests between now and 20 weeks, we will just wait and see.

For now here are a couple of pictures of the wee bean. He (we don't know that- but feels more human to call it a he rather than an it) was quite a mover so we got lots of pictures.

It's a funny feeling to be pregnant in America which is has a slightly different attitude to pregnancy and birth perhaps to that of Amsterdam or the UK but I am sure as I go I will find my personal approach. Let's see.

That's it for today, but I will keep you updated weekly.
Love Cat

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