Hi there
I didn't really get chance to update the blog for the past few weeks. A bit of a surprise happened. Little Emily arrived earlier than expected at week 36.5.
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Here's me at around 35 weeks watching the Olympics. |
At the 36 week check up the OB/GYN (I was back to Dr Callan) did a swab test for GBS (Group B Strep). The results came on the Sunday and they were positive. I was a little teary because if you are diagnosed positive you have to go on an IV with antibiotics whilst you are in labour. I really didn't want any IV, or drugs as my wish was to be able to walk around.
I had been feeling really uncomfortable on the Sunday 26th August when I met for lunch with a friend. I had found it really difficult to walk, but I suspected nothing especially as the OB/GYN had mentioned at the weekly check up I was due the 20th September and not the 16th which I had previously had in my head.
Oh and Jab was in Barcelona for a wedding the weekend of the 25th. We even skyped at the party, me and the belly dancing for all our friends.
Skyping with Jab in Barcelona on the Saturday night. I had still been to Yoga that day and to a class on Breastfeeding, not that I remember anything from the class. |
On Monday I went to work as usual..... Jab arrived back from Barcelona at midday, all seemed ok that evening before I went to sleep.
My waters broke just after midnight/ Tuesday morning. It was surreal as I really didn't know what to do. The OB/GYN hadn't got to explaining the process, neither had the doula. Almost everyone had mentioned that first time babies come late, well not this little angel. She wanted out. When my waters broke I was sleeping, Jab tried to convince me (in his jetlagged dream state) that I should come back to bed, but I instinctively knew that this was my waters breaking. I didn't instictively know who to call. Should i call my doctor? I did call the doc's but straight to voicemail so I called the hospital. I think I mumbled something like can I have the pregnancy ward - I couldn't think of labor and delivery ward.......I was calm though. I spent a little bit of time collecting toiletries ( I hadn't packed a bag yet) and some underwear, nighties, a toy for the baby, a lavender heat pack ( I am so glad I packed that) and socks. I had only bought the bag for the hospital on the Sunday.
Meanwhile Jab went and got the car. By 1am I think we were on our way to CPMC (California Pacific Medical Center). It's about 15 minutes away, maybe less as there was no traffic on the streets of SF at that time. When we arrived the triage had all my details so I was straight through to be examined. As I was GSB positive, I was straight on to the IV and the nurse checked my dilation. I was already 3cm, but as my waters had broke I was checked in. I think I was still thinking I would be sent home...that wasn't going to happen. We were then escorted to the 2nd floor to labor and delivery. The first room Claudia (our first shift nurse) showed us, had no windows and we immediately asked to be switched. We were ushered across the corridor to an Emergency room. No amazing view but at least a window, and room was much bigger than I was anticipating.
The nurse hooked me up to a fetal monitor to measure the babies heart rate and another to measure the contractions. We hadn't really had time to bring any nik naks to make the room more homely. Jab had remembered to bring the Jambox which was really calming in early labour when we were waiting for the contractions to kick in. Once I was all strapped up to the monitors and IV it was a waiting game and time to try and get some rest, e.g. save energy.
I couldn't really feel the contractions, and so after a few hours, around 6am, the doctor came in and recommended that I be given Pitocin to speed things up around mid morning. My biggest dread. Being on the IV and also hooked up to Pitocin meant that I really couldn't move around as I had envisaged......I didn't make any immediate decision and wanted to wait till the doula was present to decide. So more time to listen to music and occasionally go for walks along the corridor and up and down the stairs.
We had been trying to contact our doula Annemarie from 6am, leaving messages, texts and email. She had her cell phone off and hadn't given us her landline number yet. Fortunately our 2nd shift nurse from 6am ish was Heather- Heather was pro natural birth and really took time to talk with us and to encourage me to believe in my body and ability that I could do this. I was really anxious. Here I was with the wish to proceed with no pain medication but also really in shock being in hospital so soon. She sat with us and discussed what was blocking my confidence. After tears and her pep talk, I was ready to move forward. We were so blessed to have Heather there at that time. She mentioned she chose us. She saw that we wanted a natural birth. That made me cry more.
Around 11am the doula appeared. I was happy to see her. There was a little bit of discussion between Heather and Annemarie about Pitocin and CPMC's protocol for how long they ideally wanted you to be in the labour room. The protocol being 24 hours. I tried not to feel defeated but to be positive. We could do this. I agreed to have the minimum amount of Pitocin as long as the doc and nurse agreed that if the contractions picked up and I got to 5cm then they would take me off of it.
The doula then had to go to her work from midday, she mentioned that when the contractions start to kick in to active labour then I should call her. It took till around 5.30pm for things to pick up, Jab called Annemarie and she arrived in what seemed like no time. I think around that time the 3rd shift nurse -Maja- turned the amount of Pitocin up, which I wasn't too thrilled about. I wasn't too thrilled about her. From 6 onwards the contractions steadily grew in intensity. I think my favourite position was sitting on the ball, leaning forward onto the bed with wither Jab or Annemarie massaging my lower back. By 9pm I was at 5cm and the fetal monitor, the IV and pitocin were all taken away from me. Hoo bloody rah!!! I was so relieved as I was trying to hide my frustration of being attached to them.
I was then able to walk around from the birthing ball, to the shower... When I first sat in the shower, it felt amazing but as the contractions got more intense I would lose patience with other positions. Hands and knees definitely didn't work for me. The lavender heat pack and the wonderful back massages from Jab or Annemarie would become irritating. I think at some point around 8cm I asked Annemarie for drugs but she just laughed as she knitted away making our little one a little hat.
Around midnight (I'm just guessing) I transitioned from contractions to pushing, the transition was so painful but using my breath I managed to move through. Most of this part is all a blur. The 1st shift nurse came back and Dr Fang was in and out, even going home for a short while. I think pushing really didn't take that long. I preferred using the bar. Jab was really impressed by the acrobatics :-) I can remember listening to the nurse really intensely as she coached me on when to push and hold my breath.
Pure happiness. |
Thank you to the nurses and doctors. Especially Heather, Claudia, Dr Fang and Annemarie Russo.
Here are more photos of our little angel.
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